samedi 1 décembre 2007

The End... And The Beginning

Well, nanowrimo is over for another year! :) And this year I have a finished first draft: rough, a srange mixture between a film script, a comicbook script and a novel, but there anyway.

Now all I have to do is to work it into a proper novel.

This blog, I hope, will be the trace of that. I will also include any comments on what is going on in the world of sci-fi, fantasy, thrillers, etc... and reviews of the different books I read.

We'll have to see how it goes.

Anyone interested in knowing a little bit more about me, I'll send you to my original blog which hasn't been update in ages but still... :)

So, here we go. Kick off of the big worldbuilding/edit project: Monday 3rd December.

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