mardi 13 octobre 2009

Building Character

So amongst other things today, I was working on the characters of the book (now tentatively called The Legacy of the Thorn), most especially the protagonist and antagonist. Both now have names, storylines and motivations, some of which have been quite surprising.

I had originally intended for the antagonist to be someone with a family link to the female hero - I have now decided to make him into an aelfin with very clear motivations for doing what he is doing. Thanks to the character work, I've also been able to come up with the basic beginning and ending of the story.

I have tried quite a few plotting and character building tools over the years, including the Snowflake Method which I still use at times. One I have come across in the past few months is not so much a method as a few pointers from an urban fantasy author named Jim Butcher, writer of the Dresden Files.

Over on his blog, he delves into quite a lot of pointers about building characters (assigning them tags and traits), building your story through the Story Question (such and such needs to do something, but will he succeed when faced with these problems or antagonists), and using Scenes and Sequels to keep the tension up or allow your reader to breath. A lot of what he says makes a hell of a lot of sense, and is a good place to start for any newbie writer.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get some more of the story and some character work done tomorrow.

3 commentaires:

Christian M. a dit…

What exactly are your character's names? If you don't mind posting them? this is christiankmartinez from NaNoWriMo by the way.

Jim Butcher's tips are indeed helpful, very much so. I've read up on them as well.

Anyways...Love to see and hear your character ideas.

Joel Brown a dit…

Ooh! My first comment! :)

Male main character is Jonathan Marlowe, a secret service agent and former soldier with a secret of his own - he is a half-breed (his mother was aelvish) and normally half-breeds can't serve in the military. His half blood also affords him an uncontrollable ability - he gets flashes of insight and knowledge from touching people or things.

Female main character - Ana'yve Withlemor, a spoiled heiress who is forced on the run when her father is killed by assassins.

Christian M. a dit… in Phillip Marlowe? If so...then You are amazing.

It's a secret? Wouldn't there be some physical trait...or has he found a way to conceal it? Also...the ability is uncontrollable. Is it mostly useful and helpful, or it is also occasionally quite dangerous/distracting.

I could see getting flashes like that being very negative at some points.

Who is hiring the assasins? Is she human or one of the other races?

Sorry if I ask to many questions. I'm intensely curious.

Also I have my blog set up here now. Stuffing of Nightmares is my nano