dimanche 18 octobre 2009

Quick update, I am writing this on my new ipod touch, getting used to the keyboard. No update on Friday since I wasn't very well. Not a lot of work done on TLOTT over the past few days because of that, though have been thinking about it a lot especially what I can do with the Ana character, the main female character. Since by the Big Middle, which I'll havt to blog about soon, she has met up with Jonathan, the second part of the story is really set for her. So what I'm struggling with is working out the first part of the story where she has to get from her father's home to her uncle in the big city. Hmmm, plottinh, plotting.

Otherwise, I have used the Jim Butcher method to work out some problems with my Soulreaper story for Chapters 7 & 8. Some of what he talks about with Scenes and Sequels has really helped me realise that you can have some plot points happen even when it is a sequel.

Any way, when I have more time I'll blog some more about Climax and Big Middles!

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